Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Here are a few more heartfelt testimonials involving dogs that we’ve received here at Life Alert:

I took my dog Sweetie out for her morning walk, forgetting about the beans I had put on the stove. As I turned the last corner I realized something was wrong. The fire department had arrived as I reached the house, and they took care of my smoke filled house. I also received a call from my doctor, who you had notified. I am very impressed with the promptness of your call. Being 87 years old, my memory is somewhat impaired. I thank you for your caring, and I know you are there for me if I need you. -Rita M., Phoenix AZ

It was around five o’clock when I put my dog’s leash on him and grabbed my cane and walked up our driveway to fetch the evening newspaper. Instead of walking back to our house on the driveway, I foolishly started back down via our upper, very wet lawn (from our own watering system being on that afternoon). On my first step I slipped and fell!! I scooted as far as the fence around our pool, then figured I could grab some boards and be able to stand and walk on to the house. Wrong! I’m too old to do the things that I used to do quite easily. Finally I used the Life Alert thing hanging around my neck, which brought the help I wanted. They came quickly and took me to our hospital for an exam. Now I tell my friends not to do the stupid thing I did. Doctors should also tell their patients that, too. That is my story, and I’ll be telling anyone who wants to know why I’m still turning my head quite slowly! -Margaret S., Okanogan WA

The response was excellent! I tripped over my dog and hit my head against the handle to the oven door, and bled profusely. I immediately punched the button on the Life Alert necklace I was wearing. First time I have used it. The quick response was great. A female voice came on the speaker box and asked simple, forthright questions and guided me accordingly – to turn on my porch light, unlock the front door, and sit down and wait for the medics. Thank you! A concussion and ten head-staples later, I am most appreciative of your service. Worth every penny! -Martha L., Modesto CA

I was in my backyard, getting ready to dump water from my dogs’ pool. I thought the water level had gone down enough that I could lift the pool and dump the water, however I lost my balance and was unable to stabilize myself. I had a stroke in 1994 which affected my right side; I have limited mobility in my right leg, and no use of my right arm. I fell in such a way that I couldn’t get up. I depressed my Life Alert button. I wasn’t sure if you received my signal because I was outside my home. It was very hot that day, over 90 degrees. I was very glad to see the ambulance when it arrived. The gentlemen were very nice. They helped me to my feet and checked to see if I was hurt in any way. I was only shaken. Had it not been for Life Alert, I could have laid there for hours and suffered much worse injuries due to the intense heat, or death. -Ralph G., Jackson TN

I was gone for the day, and the man who brings my firewood brought in several cardboard boxes full of 2x4 ends, which I use for starting fires. He set them on the hearth, a little close to the stove. The boxes caught fire and then the 2x4 ends began to smolder. The two people on my call list were both gone, so Life Alert called the local fire department. The patrolman who first responded was, coincidentally, the man who first installed your smoke alarm. When he arrived and looked through the front window, he said the whole house was full of smoke. He got in through the back door and threw the burning boxes of wood out into the front yard and aired out the house. He also rescued my little dog and took her out to his patrol car so she could get some fresh air. I am convinced that, in another five minutes or less, the whole house would have been on fire and probably no one would have known it until the flames started coming out the roof. Whatever I have spent on Life Alert was repaid a thousand times during this one incident. I have you (and the local fire department) to thank for saving my house and my little dog. I am very thankful that you took such prompt action. -Joyce M., Troy MT

medical alert

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